Sunday, August 18, 2013

New video for second channel

Hey guys! I hope you're all doing well!

The first video to my second channel, "Animated Ace", has been released: my top 10 favorite Breaking Bad characters. Now I am actually pretty new to the show, as I started watching in June 2013, but I was hooked ever since. I'm currently on the fifth season, so characters that debut in that season are not mentioned in the video; just a heads-up. So check it out and tell me who your favorite characters are in the comments.

Top 10 Breaking Bad Characters

Later y'all,


Friday, August 16, 2013

New channel!

Hey everybody! In case you didn't know, check out the final episode of Sandguardians: Season 2 below!

Sandguardians: Episode 32

As the title says I have made a second channel under the username: "AnimatedAce". The videos I post on there will mainly be my "Animated Ace" videos, some vlogs, and other live action, movie related stuff. However, I'm unsure if my upcoming machinima series will be posted on that channel as well, but it will most likely be.

As for Sandguardians, RT Shorts (Halo Style), and Toy Story Live those will remain on my main channel for familiarity. So, if you want, subscribe to AnimatedAce, videos will be posted soon!

Later Maters!

oo7nightfire (AKA- Animated Ace)

Monday, August 12, 2013

This is it...

Well, this is it everyone. The big one. The shit-stopper. The one that is so dangerous, it must be kept out of the reaches of young children in order to be contained. I'm, of course, talking about the finale... the Season 2 finale of "Sandguardians"!

Thank god it's over; the season took me over a year and a month to complete, but I'm glad I was able to do it! Thank you all for sticking around to watch all the crazy, action-packed shenanigans that occurred and I hope you enjoyed the ride. Season 3 will be released... uh...., well I'm still working on finalizing the story.

In the meantime however, I will be producing a live action review show called "Animated Ace Reviews", bring back some RT Shorts, and maybe some Sandguardians Specials. I also plan to release a new machinima series entitled, ..."TO BE ANNOUNCED". Yeah, I'm not going to give it away just yet, but I have completed the story for it's first season. Let's just say that it is not "Under Budget" or "Wanderers"; I actually don't have much interest in those anymore (figures huh?). But what I will say for this new series is this: it's a new form of evolution.

So anyway, enjoy the season 2 finale of "Sandguardians" and tell me what you think in the comments. Hell, you don't even need to go to YouTube to watch it.
Have a good one!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

CTs, shoutouts, and One more to go!

Hey guys, I'm finally able to get custom thumbnails (CTs) for my channel. So you can spot them for Sandguardians: Season 1 episodes and Halo Reviews! Nothing really special.

Now for some shoutouts! Watch 3 new 06 Media videos from my pal Jcomix98 and his pals!
Bathroom Break

Check out the latest episode of my friend KydtheKid's Bona Fide!
Bona Fide: Episode 6

As for my friend Jack HF, he needs some body actors, so help him out. Thanks!
I Need Body Actors. Yay.

And finally, check out a brand new episode of Sandguardians, the second to last episode before the Season 2 finale! Thank you guys so much for your feedback and if you were wanting Seal to go on a bit more of a rampage, I'm saving that for the finale.
Sandguardians: Episode 31

Hope y'all had a great summer so far! Have a good one.
