Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Toy Story Live: Return III

Hey y'all. Hope you're doing well.

The third and final installment of the TSL Return trilogy is finally here! Check it out in the link below! Hope you enjoy!

Toy Story Live: "Return" (Part 3)

I want to apologize for the lack of videos in April. School has made those months (the months right before finals) very difficult for me to release anything. I wasn't lazy during that time, though. I was working on the episode throughout the entire month, with a cold no less. Filming, Editing, Recording. It was tough.

For this episode, I used a DSLR camera to film; the Nikon D5200 to be exact. It was very difficult to puppeteer the characters and hold the camera at the same but I'm happy with how everything turned out. I was able to get some really interesting shots and play with depth of field and rack focusing since the camera is sensitive. Using it, I feel, really made me more creative and I was able to focus a bit more on the production side of things more easily.

Anywho, I did a lot of new things for this episode but I guess I can talk about that in a future commentary.

Have a good one guys!

P.S.- I've written all the scripts for Sandguardians ;D.
