Saturday, January 31, 2015


...They're back.

Monday, January 12, 2015

RT Shorts: Stalled - BRAND NEW

Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well!

A brand new RT Short recreation has just been released so check it out below!

RT Shorts: Stalled (Halo Style)

In other news, a new episode of Toy Story Live should be coming out soon, so stay tuned for that! Have a good one guys and gals.


Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year = New Sandguardians Episode

Happy New Year!

Start off by checking out a new episode of Sandguardians! Tell me what you think about it in the comments; some constructive criticism would be appreciated, I personally need to learn how to take it to become better. Watch the episode below:

Sandguardians: Episode 38

For 2015, I plan to release a few more episodes of Toy Story Live and especially Specter-Morph, as the series is moving along really slowly. I will also try to stay ahead of myself with Sandguardians and try to release AT LEAST 5 episodes this year.

I will be taking my very first film class this year, so that will most likely be slowing down the release of my videos, so just a heads up. Anyway, here's to a courageous year!

Ta-ta for now.
