Thursday, January 14, 2016

Happy New Year! 2016 Plans.

Happy New Year guys and gals! I hope your year is starting off well. If not, don't worry. It's not about how you start, it's how you finish.

For me, I plan to end this year off well. For 2016, I will finish Sandguardians: Season 3 and attempt to begin Specter-Morph: Season 2! I'm still finalizing the story for the former and working on the story for the latter, though I hope to accomplish both tasks. As I've said plenty of times, school has slowed me down greatly, and it will most likely slow me down again. But I will do my best to finsish what I've planned to do. I mean Sandguardians Season 3 started back in 2014; it's time to wrap it up until it gets too long. I'll also finish up the final part of TSL: Return, Pt. 3. The story is pretty much solid and I just have to write the script. Yaaayy...

Anyway, here is a new episode of Sandguardians! Let me know what you think in the comments. Enjoy!

Also check out two commentaries for Toy Story Live if you haven't already!

Toy Story Live: Return (Part 1) - Commentary
Toy Story Live: Return (Part 2) - Commentary

I hope everyone's 2016 ends better than it began!
