Tuesday, June 27, 2017

NEW Toy Story Live - BOZ, Part 1!

Hey guys and gals!

For the first time in a long time, I've uploaded 2 videos in one month, with one of them being a brand new episode of Toy Story Live! You can check it out below:

I thought it'd be fun to do my own take on an existing property for these next couple of episodes, so I thought, how about "The Wizard of Oz"! It managed to fit pretty well with the series' established characters and each one of them has a role. Although, I did change some characteristics around to keep things different from Oz as well as to make it fit with the series.

This episode is the beginning of a possible 9-parter. Yes, 9-parter! Scripts have already been written for parts 1-8, with part 9 still being worked on. Hopefully, I can get them all done in a reasonable amount of time, though I was thinking of making some one-off episodes in-between just to keep things different.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the episode! And check out my previous video if you haven't already.



Sunday, June 4, 2017

RvB & Guardians of the Galaxy


Haven't been on here for a while. As I get older I spend more time on other things as the realities of life begin to creep in and I realize that I have to take care of other responsibilities. I do love doing this online stuff but I will have to start supporting myself financially, which means becoming a mine worker and putting less focus on my YouTube stuff; or make money through YouTube and hopefully Patreon eventually.

The schedule for video releases will be scattered due to school, work, my own issues, etc. Sorry, I hope I'm not coming off as a downbeat, I just wanted to get some things off my chest and explain my absence. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me or checking out my stuff from time to time. I'm currently editing a new episode of Toy Story Live, so that should be out soon!

In the meantime here's my latest video, a RvB/Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 mash-up.

Hope you enjoy!
